About me, Alie Kwint
I have been active as advisor / consultant for European R&D programmes for over 25 years, and for the Marie Curie programme for over 20 years. First as project officer at the University of Amsterdam (NL), then as Marie Curie National Contact Point (NCP) for the Netherlands and as Expert to the Dutch Marie Curie Programme Committee. In 2007 I moved with my family to France, where I set up my freelance consultancy firm Kwintessence. In 2021 I moved back to the Netherlands, where I continued my work with Kwintessence.
Over the last 20 years, I have proofread and edited a large number of Marie Curie proposals (over 200 since 2007), and I have (re)written 20 COFUND proposals. I have prepared and implemented training activities for all Marie Curie Actions. Since 2017, I cooperate with OxygenEUm on our training offer. Like Kwintessence, OxygenEUm is a consultancy firm specialized in the MSCA scheme. I am regularly invited as an expert on MSCA and related topics, including as Independent Observer at ITN evaluations, invited speaker and workshop facilitator. I have an extensive network in Brussels, both at the European Commission and at the Research Executive Agency, and in Europe.
Over the last 20 years, I have proofread and edited a large number of Marie Curie proposals (over 200 since 2007), and I have (re)written 20 COFUND proposals. I have prepared and implemented training activities for all Marie Curie Actions. Since 2017, I cooperate with OxygenEUm on our training offer. Like Kwintessence, OxygenEUm is a consultancy firm specialized in the MSCA scheme. I am regularly invited as an expert on MSCA and related topics, including as Independent Observer at ITN evaluations, invited speaker and workshop facilitator. I have an extensive network in Brussels, both at the European Commission and at the Research Executive Agency, and in Europe.

Please see below examples of projects I was / am involved in. To honour the confidentiality of my work, the examples have been anonymized where needed. Please contact me if you wish more details.
Starting in H2020, and continuing in HE, I work with an Irish university on the strategic approach to the MSCA programme in their research funding portfolio: which PI’s do we approach for which Action? How do we support them? Analyses of Evaluation Summary Reports provides input for the fine-tuning of this strategy: what are the strong points we wish to keep, and what are the weak(er) points we wish to strengthen? I have also prepared analyses of Evaluation Summary Reports for other institutions.
I have written a Strategic Report for another Irish university in preparation for H2020.
I am a member of the ‘KlankBordGroep Marie Curie’ (stakeholders group) to support the Dutch delegation to the People Program Committee (2014 – now). I was also the Chair of the Advisory Board of the ERAMIND project (2008 – 2011).
Since 2007, I have proofread and edited over 200 MSCA proposals, including COFUND, DN/ITN, SE/RISE/IAPP and PF/IF. I have (re-)written 20 COFUND proposals. The success rate of these proposals was well above the EU-average. However, I do not see this as ‘my’ success rate: I believe that this is due to the scientific excellence of my clients combined with my MSCA expertise.
Since 2007, I have set up and implemented workshops and training sessions giving overviews of the MSCA programme, and about writing competitive proposals for all MSC Actions. I was invited all over Europe, from Spain to Estonia, and from Ireland to Croatia. Participants in the training sessions included (future) project coordinators, supervisors and applicants, but also EU support staff and project managers. Some of the workshops were given within the context of a COFUND and ITN project, as part of their training programme. I have also mentored researchers in the process of proposal writing, with a wider scope than the proposal at hand. Since 2020, together with Dr. Juliane Sauer from OxygenEUm, I propose E-learning training for the MSCA-PF programme.In 2022-2023 I mentor a staff member from a Polish institution in becoming a successful EU advisor.
My 20+ years’ experience exclusively with the MSCA programme is recognized in Europe.
I have been invited to contribute to a number of MSCA Conferences that were organized as part of Presidencies of the European Council: Chair of workshop at the MSCA Conference, part of the German Presidency of the European Council: ‘Supervision in academic organisations in the MSCA and beyond’ (2020), Chair of two workshops at the MSCA Conference, part of the Austrian Presidency of the European Council: ‘MSCA as facilitator for mobility of researchers’ and ‘Fellowships’ (2019) and Chair of an interactive workshop at the Researcher Careers & Mobility Conference, part of the Irish EU Presidency, ‘How can you make a researcher employable’ (2013)
I have also been invited as expert to share my view on mobility issues (Presentation on mobility issues at IRCHSS-IRCSET Postdoctoral Symposium (2011)) and on research integrity issues (Invited expert to the workshop ‘NewHoRRIzon Social Lab on RRI in MSCA’ (2018))
I have been a Reviewer of the INSPIRE fellowship program (Co-funded fellowship program in Ireland) (2010). I have also supported the European Commission as Independent Observer for the evaluation of proposals for the ‘Universities’ call in 2010, Science and Society unit, and for the Marie Curie ITN calls in 2007 and 2008.
I have had the pleasure to also support research organisations with specific tasks related to contract preparation and project management of their projects. I have supported 3 organisations with writing the Description of Work, Annex to the Grant Agreement for their COFUND projects. I have worked as project consultant for the COFUND project ASSISTID (0.2 fte, 2014 – 2016). I have also written the final reports for a Specific Support Action project for a German funding organisation (2011).